Proposed improvements to Route 141 causes discussion

Sept. 25, 2019 | Danielle Eaton

MassDOT is proposing a project in Holyoke off of Exit 17 on Interstate 91 that would bring about significant changes, including adding a roundabout near the on and off-ramps of the highway.
Reminder Publishing photo courtesy of MassDOT

HOLYOKE– A construction project proposed for Exit 19 off of Interstate 91 in Holyoke has been the center of quite a bit of discussion within the city.

MassDot held a public information meeting at the Holyoke Senior Center on the evening of Sept. 10. There, residents had a chance to learn about the proposed project and voice concerns they may have regarding the project.

According to the handout from the meeting made available by MassDOT, the purpose of the project “is to make improvements at Route 141 (Easthampton Road) at the Interstate 91 (I-91) Exit 17.” Some of the goals of the project are “to provide safety and traffic improvements at the Lindor Heights Intersection.” The project area is 4,000 feet, including the on and off-ramps to get onto and off of I-91.

MassDOT Communications Officer, Patrick Marvin, told Reminder Publishing, “The proposed project consists of removing the existing signalized intersection at Route 141 and I-91 on and off-ramps at Exit 17 and constructing a two-lane roundabout, retaining the existing access and egress from I-91.”

He continued, “Route 141 and I-91 on and off-ramps will be reconstructed to have two lanes in each direction at the approaches and departures from the roundabout. The University Apartments driveways will be consolidated into a single two-way driveway that will enter the roundabout.”

Also proposed is the widening of a part of Route 141 at Lindor Heights to allow for a refuge median and a dedicated left turn lane for traffic turning onto Lindor Heights.

Marvin said the project would also help to improve vehicle acceleration in the lane for the I-91 South on-ramp “by extending the lane to provide adequate distance for vehicles to match highway speeds.”

During the Sept. 10 meeting, MassDOT presented the current preliminary plans for the project to the public for review. Residents were then able to ask questions, voice concerns they may have, or provide comments on the current plans.

Marvin said the presentation included background from previous studies, traffic deficiencies currently, and projected future traffic conditions and operations.

Feedback given by residents, Marvin said, “concerned safety, impacts to local residents, multimodal accommodations, traffic volumes, cut-through traffic on adjacent streets, and difficult access from side streets near the intersection.”

Currently, the estimated cost of the project is $6 million. Marvin said the advertisement for construction bids is expected to begin in late 2022. Construction is expected to begin in 2023 and take two to three years to complete.


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