Longmeadow in search of new Veterans’ Agent

May 25, 2017 | Payton North

LONGMEADOW - The town of Longmeadow is pursuing a new Veterans’ Agent.  The Director of Veterans Services bridges the gap between potential benefits a veteran has earned and the veteran themselves.

 Longmeadow Town Manager Stephen Crane said of the position, “The Director of Veterans Services connects veterans to federal and states benefits they have earned by virtue of their service to the country.  There are a number of benefits, I’m not all that familiar with them, that veterans can access depending on, in some cases, eligibility.”

The Veteran’s Agent works with the veterans and their families by providing direction as well as information.  The agent can connect the veteran to the benefits they’ve potentially earned, including state benefits such as bonuses, access to burial in one of three veterans’ cemeteries, education benefits, employment, housing services, outreach centers, motor vehicle benefits, the SAVE peer outreach program, property tax benefits, access to the soldiers’ homes, house services, and access to the women veterans’ network.

The position is currently being advertised externally and applicants that meet the minimum criteria will be screened and then go through a series of two to three interviews.  Generally, this process takes four to six weeks to complete, Crane explained.  The position will be appointed by the Town Manager, subject to Select Board approval.

For more information on the duties of a Veterans’ Agent or to read more about veterans benefits, go to www.longmeadow.org/311/Veterans-Agent.

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