Students brighten their days by decorating doors

Jan. 29, 2020 | Sarah Heinonen

Reminder Publishing photos by Sarah Heinonen

LONGMEADOW – Wolf Swamp Road Elementary School Principal Elizabeth Nelson said that she came up with the idea of dressing the doors to cheer up the hallways during the dark days of winter. Each class designed their own door, exhibiting their personality and identity. One student described it as “a challenge” between the classes.

Most doors have a winter theme, and many also feature inspirational slogans about being yourself. Some, such as the first-grade doors that feature civil rights leaders Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King Jr. and Ruby Bridges, have their own themes. Nelson said the students are “loving it” and stop and look at the doors.

“It started just as something fun, but it’s taken on a life of its own. Who knows if come spring we’ll do something different,” Nelson told Reminder Publishing.

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