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Help people not snakes

March 25, 2016 |

The world is gone crazy, we have hundreds of human beings, homeless and hungry in the western part of Massachusetts and instead of concentrating on helping to end the dilemma  of homelessness and hunger, we are talking about establishing a colony for poisonous timber rattlesnakes in the Quabbin.

 In my opinion, the snakes should remain in Rhode Island.  Our priorities are all screwed up  I would like to know if the advocates of the project speak snake language and if the snakes told them that they will not leave the snake colony.  We are all familiar with the story of the snake in the Garden of Eden, serpents are cunning.

Wow, the advocates for the snake colony, states that there are only about 200 timber rattlesnakes in the western part of Massachusetts. I say, that is 200 too many. Keep those snakes out of the Quabbin!

Vera O’Connor

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