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Trump is destorying the country

Oct. 30, 2020 |

Having witnessed several Presidential elections I think that this one has caused more divisiveness in this country than anyone has seen since the Civil War. One man – Donald Trump – has clearly been focused on continuing to promote violence and distrust across the entire country. Republican, Democrat or whatever the party you favor may be, the strategy of Trump is to accept no  responsibility whatsoever for anything negative that occurs.             

Tens of thousands of people have died because of his negligence and lies about the virus (i.e. – it’s noting to worry about because it is just a hoax perpetrated by the Democrats; we’ll have a vaccine in two weeks, which he has been saying for months and more). His entire approach to leadership is to create enough lies every day so that he can dominate the media with his craziness (Some of the Neo-Nazis are good people!).

His never-ending criticism of the Obama administration can be likened to  juvenile reactions to his failure to lead this country in any positive direction (the national deficit is at an all-time high; unemployment is beyond belief; small businesses are failing at an unbelievable rate, etc.) and he talks about what a wonderful president he is.

These behaviors became very evident when he fantasized about the attendance at  his inauguration and simply have become more and more ludicrous every day. He consistently demeans women, minorities and anyone who dares to disagree with him, usually by resorting to his adolescent level of name-calling and disgusting displays of an insatiable ego and a lack of concern for anyone but himself. He certainly doesn’t care at all about the less fortunate people in our country – the poor, the long-term unemployed population, the victims of the virus and more. The fact that a sitting president is plotting ways to void the election unless he wins it a most telling facet of his sick personality. Of course, as far as rigging an election goes he is definitely the expert on how to make that happen.

He is destroying our Republic piece by piece he needs to be removed from any contact with national policies ASAP. I have to believe that those Republicans who are committed to the ideals and values of their party must be cringing everyday wondering where his next lying damage will be directed.

I truly believe that he wants to have the title of “President for Life.” Please vote to remove Dictator Don from office. Put our country before the man or the party.

Allen G. Zippin

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