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Where was Dobbs the last four years?

Feb. 3, 2021 |

I’m an old friend of the Buendo family and have kidded Chris ever since your hiring. My take is that you’re much smarter than I am word-wise, but share an equal love for our country, and our Springfield/EL community so I believe when we meet, it will be most amicable!

That said, I was really disappointed in your most recent Reminder Op-ed which I felt bordered on the hypocritical. I remember Truman; I was an old Jack Kennedy democrat, then independent for many years, and finally a conservative for the past 30 years. I did not vote for Obama the first time but had the conviction and determination to give the guy a chance. As it turned out I still feel that my original thoughts of him proved to be correct and that history will show that he was not a good president.

As you can gather, I didn’t vote for Biden but the day following the election, my feeling is to again give him a chance until he proves otherwise.

I felt your Op-ed is hypocritical in that you strongly challenge Trump supporters to “cooperating or even waiting to pass judgment on the new administration”. Where the heck were you, MSNBC, ABC, CNN and liberal commentators the day after the 2016 elections? The hatred started the night that Trump was elected and continues non-stop, 24/7. Biden’s “Unity, Unity” is really ridiculous as we prepare for another impeachment. Your advice to “treat each other with dignity and respect” this time around is very hollow to me, Mike. Where were you the last four years?

Hey, if I see you around town, I’ll introduce myself.

Robert Maccarini
East Longmeadow

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