Elementary Schools celebrate Arbor Day

| Payton North


Wolf Swamp Road School in Longmeadow celebrated Arbor Day with all fourth grade students.
Reminder Publications photo by Payton North.

On April 26 and 27 Longmeadow and East Longmeadow Elementary Schools celebrated Arbor Day.

Wolf Swamp Road Elementary School in Longmeadow was able to take advantage of the warm weather and celebrate the outdoors on April 26 as the students surrounded their new Leonard Messel Magnolia tree which was planted near the entrance of the school.  Fourth grade students received tree seedlings from the Longmeadow Gardner’s Club, which the students could then take home and plant with their families.  Cub Scout Pack 295 helped plant the school’s new tree. Local officials including Superintendent Martin O’Shea along with Town Manager Stephen Crane and DPW officials attended the ceremony.     

On April 27, both Mountain View Elementary School and Mapleshade Elementary School in East Longmeadow celebrated Arbor Day indoors with a formal program.  The schools invited friends, family and local officials to the event to enjoy band performances, the chorus’ rendition of “Redwood Tree” by Van Morrison as well as a selection of poetry from the students. State Rep. Angelo Puppolo attended the celebrations, along with Town Manager Denise Menard and Assistant Superintendent for curriculum and Instruction Valerie Annear.