Lions Club is gearing up for April 13 Spring Fishing Derby

| Payton North


EAST LONGMEADOW - With just over five weeks away from the return of East Longmeadow’s highly anticipated spring fishing derby at Heritage Park Pond, the East Longmeadow Lions Club shared an update on the April 13 event with Reminder Publishing, including an opportunity for children to receive a free fishing pole.

As of the end of February, the Lions Club had fundraised half of the funds needed to bring back the fishing derby.

“The response has been very impressive as most people we spoke with have had a positive past connection to this family-oriented spring activity that has fostered many happy memories for so many families,” immediate past president of the East Longmeadow Lions Club Paul Cunningham stated.

At this year’s event, the Massachusetts Department of Fisheries and Wildlife will be supplying 50 rods and reels for children to borrow to fish with during the derby. However, if children would like to receive a free fishing rod to keep for their own, families should consider attending the Lions Clubs’ upcoming fundraising event at Texas Roadhouse. Families are able to download a flyer for the fundraiser, which will be on March 26 from 4 to 10 p.m. at the 12 Mall St. Springfield Texas Roadhouse location. Approximately 10 percent of the check will be donated to the Lions Club for the fishing derby if the downloaded flyer is shown. Professional fisherman Mike Delvisco will be attending the event, and will give away fishing poles to 50 kids on a first come first serve basis. To find the download, go to

As far as prizes at the event are concerned, prizes and raffle items have already been donated. Edward Zemba, president of Robert Charles Photography, donated a family portrait package that includes a private clothing consultation, a photographic session with Robert and an 11x16 hand-stretched canvas wall portrait. This prize is valued at $1,030, and will be presented as the Biggest Fish Award for the biggest fish by weight. If there is a tied weight, length will then be used as the tiebreaker.

Bhookend Fishing Cartiers and Captain Eric Newhouse from Eastham on Cape Cod donated a half–day deep-sea fishing trip for up to four people. This will be used as a raffle item, which has a $500 value. Raffle tickets will be on sale for $20 each, and only 100 tickets will be sold. Tickets for the raffle will be available at the 125th Anniversary Pasta Dinner Fundraiser on March 8 from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. at St. Luke’s Greek Orthodox Church at 400 Prospect St. in East Longmeadow.  For further information on this, email Lion Donna Martinez at

Heather Cahill, director of development at the Springfield Museums, has donated four family passes for four people each to any of the Springfield Museums. This will be offered as the third place prize for all age groups. The family passes are valued at $72 each.

While the first and second place prizes have not yet been determined, Cunningham noted that they will be “quite exciting for the youngsters.”

Children from ages three to 14 are invited to Heritage Park Pond at 7 a.m. on April 13 to begin fishing. There are four different age groups, ages three to five, six to eight, nine to 11, and 12 to 14. There will be prizes for first, second and third place in each age group for the largest fish caught.

Monetary donations for the Lions Club for the fishing derby can be sent to Sec. Scott Grabowski at 25 Greenacre Lane, East Longmeadow, MA 01116. Gifts and prizes can be dropped off to Lion Al Grimaldi at 48 Millbrook Dr. in East Longmeadow.